No Sex Please - We're British!
Full-Length Play, Comedy / 4w, 6m
Anthony Marriott, Alistair Foot
No Sex Please - We're British!
by Alistair Foot and Anthony Marriott
This riotous comic farce notched up a staggeringly successful sixteen-year run in the West End! Peter and Frances could reasonably expect to look forward to a calm, happy start to their married life together.
Cast Size
4w, 6m
This riotous comic farce notched up a staggeringly successful sixteen-year run in the West End! Peter and Frances could reasonably expect to look forward to a calm, happy start to their married life together. Owing to an unfortunate mistake, however, they find the'selves inundated with pornographic material from the "Scandinavian Import Company". Senior bank officials, Peter's snobbish mother, and a prim, respectable bank cashier become inextricably entangled in the rumbustious even's that follow.
- Setting A living-room and kitchen
Licensing & Materials
- Minimum Fee: £70 per performance plus VAT when applicable.